Video Trainings for Parents

Learn on you time
Canvas for Parents and Guardians: Step-by-Step Guide
Parents have the ability to view their students’ course content (assignment due dates, assignments, course modules, etc.) by creating a Canvas “Observer” account that is linked to their student(s) account.
Note: If you have already created an account for the Canvas Parent App, you can use the same login credentials.
CANVAS Parent Training
In CCSD, students use the Canvas platform to complete their academic assignments. Learn about the tools and features available to parents in the Canvas parent app. By having access to this application, you can support your students’ learning and know what is going on in their academic lives.
CANVAS for Parents – Checking Grades
Learn how to use the website version of Canvas from a computer to check your child’s daily grades.
CANVAS Parents: Creating an Account
Learn how to create a Canvas account as a Parent Observer, how to connect that account to your child, and how to control what notifications you get.
CANVAS for Parents: Using the Canvas Parent App
Learn how to set up the Canvas Parent app and what the limitations and differences are between the app and the web version of Canvas for Parents.
CANVAS Parents: Messaging Teachers
Learn how to use Canvas for Parents to send messages easily to teachers and where to go to find replies.
Digital Literacy
Digital Literacy and Managing Data (Digital Literacy for Life and Work). Learn about WIFI, Safety and scams, Managing children’s online activity, malware and viruses, local media, ESL, applying for jobs, financials, and online learning.
PAPER’s Educational Support
As a parent or guardian, you know that learning shouldn’t stop when students step outside the classroom!
With Paper™, students get access to free, unlimited, and 24/7 academic support from fully vetted tutors. All Paper tutors are experts in their own academic areas, and students can get support in over 200 subjects in four languages.
Clever Family Portal
Clever family portal helps parents and guardians support learning at home. You will see what learning online resources your student has access to.
Parent Guidance
We offer education and therapeutic support to empower and give you hope as you support your child’s mental health.
Mental Health Resources for CCSD Families.
Early Childhood Videos
Early Childhood videos (English & Spanish) include:
- 100 Ways to Raise a Reader
- Alphabet Awareness
- Dots, Dots, Dots
- Winter Math Activities for Pre-K Families
Family Engagement Between Parent and Schools
Strategies and Recommendations to Build a Strong Partnership: learn to:
- be present at school
- be intentional and reach out to schools
- participate in school events
- the benefits of engaging as a father
- use data to set engagement goals
- understand why you should get involved?
- effective problem-solving
- to keep your mind on the main thing: Student Success
Elementary Educational Videos
Elementary educational videos (English & Spanish) include:
- 100 Ways to Raise a Reader
- Describing Behavior
- Effective Praise
- Internet Safety
- Mathematics Matters (Elementary)
- Multiplication Family Fun
- Routines, Schedules, and Flexibility
- The Engineering Design with STEMbotics
Secondary Educational Resources
Secondary education videos (English & Spanish) include:
- Graduation Requirements and Diploma Types
- Enrolment Options for Secondary Students
- Getting Ready for College or a Career
- Internet Safety (Parent Guide)
- Online Resource for Secondary Students
- The Engineering Design with STEMbotics
- Thriving in Middle School
- Preparing for High School
Social Emotional Learning & Mental Health
Social Emotional Learning videos (English & Spanish) include:
- Conversation in the Kitchen: Enriching Family Communication
Navigating The School System and Technology Assistance
Technology Assistance & The School System videos (English & Spanish) include:
- Achieve Literacy (Grades K-12)
- Achieve Math (Grades 9-12)
- Actively Learn (Grade 3-12)
- CANVAS Learning Management System (LMS)
- Digital Citizenship: Safe and Responsible Technology Use
- Every Day Matters
- Freckle K – Grade 5)
- How to Log in to CLEVER
- INFINITE Campus Parent Portal
- Language Development at Home
- Measure of Academic Progress (MAP) Growth Family Report
- Lifelong Reading with MYON
- Smarty Ants Pre-K – Grade 2)
Nevada PEP
Our mission is to increase the opportunities for home, community, and school success for children with disabilities, including those who are at risk or who have serious emotional disturbances, their families, and their service providers, through education, encouragement, and empowerment activities.
Learn About Special Education Law
Special Education Law Videos
Learn about Federal Education Laws for students with disabilities.
Legal Aid Center of Southern Nevada is a private, nonprofit, organization that ensures equal access to justice through free legal advice and representation for those who cannot afford to hire an attorney. Free classes are offered in special education.
(702) 386-1070
Medicaid School Health Services
This video provides information regarding Clark County School District’s Medicaid School Health Services Program.
Servicios de Salud Escolar de Medicaid
Servicios de Salud Escolar de Medicaid del Distrito Escolar del Condado de Clark: Información para las Familias y la Comunidad
Family Support Center
Cindy Flores – Director
Hours of Operation
We’re available to assist you with any questions from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Please call us at:
(702) 799-0072.
Office Number: