Clark County School District


We are here for all students!

English Language Learner Division (ELLD)

Services and Supports 

The English Language Learner Division (ELLD) ensures English learners (ELs) receive quality Tier I instruction and appropriate Tier II support.

The Region support coordinators provide support across several key areas:

  • Supporting ELs in Tier I
  • EL Instructional Pathways – Focused Language Study (FLS) and Academic Content Language Expansion (ACLE)
  • Reading Skills Centers
  • Integrated Language Support in all Content Areas
  • Data-Informed Decision-Making
  • Family Engagement
  • Legislative Compliance and/or Program Eligibility
  • WIDA Data Interpretation and Implementation
  • Professional Learning and Coaching
  • School Performance Plan, Supplemental School Performance Plan, and Assembly Bill 219 Support

Contact Information

For more information or questions regarding ELLD services and support, please contact the department at the following link: ELLD or call (702) 799-2137. 

Title I

Title I is the federal education law that provides funding to elementary and secondary schools for programs and services to help economically disadvantaged students to succeed.

Title I aims to ensure that all students have an equal opportunity to reach State learning standards. Title I is intended to help close the gap in academic achievement between students in different ethnic and income groups.

        Programs funded by Title I include:
      • School-Based Programs
      • Early Childhood and Pre-Kindergarten
      • Homeless Services, Project HOPE
      • Family Engagement
      • Migrant Services
      • Neglected and Delinquent Services

    We have: School-Based Support, Early Childhood Programs, HOPE: Homeless Outreach Program for Education, and Family Engagement



    SafeVoice – Say No To Bullying

    Safevoice (SV) goes beyond bullying to create an anonymous way to also report threats of school violence and friends at risk of suicide, self-harm, drugs and more.

    (833) 216-7233

    Let’s Talk with Clark County School District

    We invite you to send us your questions, concerns, suggestions, or compliments. Once you click on a topic below and make a submission through Let’s Talk, the CCSD employee who can best address your comment and/or concern will be notified, and a response will be provided ASAP.

    Family Engagement

    We provide all CCSD families with valuable resources and learning opportunities. Our mission is to empower and educate our families to support their child’s overall well-being and academic achievement.

    (702) 799-2273

    CCSD Adult Education

    We provide Nevada State Certificate of High School Equivalency, High School Diploma, and English Language Learner (ELL) classes. 

    Register for free today!  

    (702) 799-8650

    Change of School Assignment (COSA)

    The Clark County School District believes parents should be able to choose the best education opportunity for their child.

    Applications for the 2025–2026 School Year

    • On Time- Phase 1: October 2024– January 14, 2025
    • Late- Phase 2: After Completion of Phase 1– August 22, 2025

    Solicitudes para el año escolar 2025–2026

    • A tiempo- Fase 1: Octubre de 2024– 14 de enero de 2025
    • Tarde- Fase 2: Tras la conclusión de la Fase 1– 22 de agosto de 2025

    Adult Education & Alternative Schools

    CCSD Adult Education programs offer high school equivalency prep to students ages 17 and older and adult programming to students ages 18 and older.

    Completion of adult programming leads to an adult standard diploma.

    (702) 799-2273

    Pre–Kindergarten Program Interest Form

    The Clark County School District believes parents should be able to choose the best education opportunity for their child. That’s why we offer a portfolio of options to our families to ensure CCSD is the #1 choice for kids.

    (702) 799-7479.

    Child Find Department

    Child Find is an evaluative process to address the federal mandate to locate and evaluate children, ages three to 21, who are not enrolled in public school and may be eligible for services identified in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).


    (702) 799-7463

    School Choice (COSA)

    The Clark County School District believes parents should be able to choose the best education opportunity for their child. That’s why we offer a portfolio of options to our families to ensure CCSD is the #1 choice for kids.

    Infinite Campus for Parents

    To help you more effectively monitor the progress of your child, the Clark County School District provides a web based system. This system will provide detailed, real-time information, including: Calendar, Schedules, Attendance, Grades, Health (Immunizations Only), Assignments, Academic Planner, Academic Progress, Fees/Payments, To Do Lists, Reports, District/School Notices, Cafeteria Balance, School Meals Application.

    Magnet Schools

    Celebrating #30YearsofMagnet, the #CCSDMagnet Schools are proud to offer students innovative and thematic instruction to support student achievement.

    CCSD Transportation

    Provide services to children and schools in a safe, timely, and courteous manner. Transportation services are provided to and from schools and other related activities. 

    (702) 799-8100

    Food Service (School Menu)

    The Clark County School District participates in the Community Eligibility Provision of the federal Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act districtwide and will provide free school meals to all students during the 2023-2024 school year.

    CCSD Website (Information for Parents)

    Links to school/district data, registration, and other important information such as transportation, school lunches, magnet schools, scholarships, and much more.

    Student Record Services

    Student Record Services maintains the archiving of educational records for former Clark County School District students. Academic records are maintained in perpetuity and special education records are maintained until the student reaches age 28.

    Support Professionals (Grow With CCSD)

    Our support professional positions can be either school-based or in our central office and could be full-time, part-time, or temporary. All of our support professional positions are grouped into one of ten job families. A job family could have anywhere from 15 to over 100 specific, individual jobs.

     Family Support Center

    Cindy Flores – Director


    1720 S. Maryland Parkway
    Las Vegas, NV 89104


    Office Number:
